Meet V*Enna, the new group that goes beyond a simple, materialistic message with a mission to reach kids for Christ, and to challenge them to grow in their faith instead of following the crowd.

V*Enna is made up of Lucy Britten, Sharnessa Shelton, and a team of dancers that will rock your world!

Lucy Britten grew up near Bristol, England, in an old vicarage, surrounded by siblings, foster kids and pets that included sheep, chickens, fish and a dog that's also called Lucy (we're sure it's a compliment). Although she attended church and her grandfather was an archdeacon who traveled the world, living in places like Nairobi and Cyprus, her own faith grew gradually. 

"I fell in with what my mum would call the wrong crowd at school. I was living for myself but not realizing it," she explains. But before returning for her second year of University, it all suddenly "clicked" and she was baptized. That year she also discovered her love for singing and there was no turning back. "It consumed me and I just thought, I don't want a regular job."