BILLBOARD Magazine -
Singles, Edited by Chuck Taylor
August 19, 2000.
This is the review of the single "Where I Wanna Be"

Despite its catchy and highly appealing demeanor, V*Enna's debut single "All the Way to Heaven," failed to score much [mainstream] airplay stateside for the U.K. duo. But there is more where that came from: its second single, "Where I Wanna Be," is another pure pop excursion, replete with the Abba-esque sounds that's ever-popular overseas, both in terms of its bouncy instrumentation and in the vocal nuances of youthful members Lucy Britten and Sharnessa Shelton...

...Programmers looking to add a little more sunshine to the landscape would enchant many a young teen's ear with this effervesent little track, at once joyful and just plain fun.